
Understanding the Boom Bust Cycle & What to Do Instead

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Boom Bust

You may be caught in what is known as the boom bust cycle. Have you ever felt like you’re constantly stuck in a cycle of highs and lows, never quite able to find calm or peace? This harmful pattern can keep us trapped in a state of pain and dysfunction, preventing us from truly healing and moving forward. But it doesn’t have to be this way. It’s time for change. In this blog post, let’s take a look at what this boom/bust cycle is and what we can do about it.

Understanding the Boom Bust Cycle

At its core, the boom bust cycle is about extremes. It’s when we push ourselves beyond our limits during the ‘boom’ phases, often driven by a mix of enthusiasm and guilt or the pressure to perform. These periods can be productive, sure, but they’re not sustainable. And inevitably, the ‘bust’ follows. It’s that crashing low after the high, where the pain and emotional reality hit us hard. The good day we once had dissipates, leaving us feeling depleted and defeated and in loads more pain.

This cycle can infiltrate every part of our lives, from our careers and personal projects to our relationships, exercise and self-care routines. It’s like we’re constantly chasing after an ideal state, only to fall back into old patterns that drain our spirits and sap our energy. The worst part? It can make us feel like we’re trapped on this ride with no way off.

But understanding the boom bust cycle is the first step towards breaking free. It’s about recognizing that these extremes are neither healthy nor productive. They don’t lead to healing. Instead, they keep us trapped in a loop, working our rears off, only to be smacked down by the inevitable low of intense pain. Recognizing this pattern in our lives is crucial. Too much load will almost always result in a flare.

Recognizing the Signs of the Boom

When in pain, we often overdo activity when feeling ok and stop when we reach our pain threshold. Then we must rest for hours, afternoon, days, or weeks. Then we eventually feel better. Once again, over do activities again in an attempt to catch up on chores/activities that fell by the wayside when we were resting.

Repeat cycle… over and over again.

This time a person may need to rest for longer. Every time we experience more pain and need to rest this makes it more tempting to avoid engaging in activities that seem to result in more pain. This inactive in turn results in de-conditioning of the body. This time when a person feels ok and overdoes it, their load threshold is now lower, and they need longer to recover.

Is this you?

This pattern becomes problematic when it becomes a lifestyle that leads to pain, burnout, feelings of futility and shame. Below are a few of the problems associated with this cycle:

1) When we perpetually push ourselves beyond our body’s limit, it takes longer to recover each time we go through the cycle, and the pain deepens.

2) It tends to send our mood on a rollercoaster. We tend to feel upbeat, positive, and accomplished on our “good” days, followed by a collapsing depression, disappointment, and melancholy on our “recovery days.” Possibly even feel like we are being punished.

3) Each time we go through the cycle, it takes us longer to get back to our baseline, which is how we end up in positions of chronic pain, fatigue, and burnout.

4) You feel shame at not being able to ____________ ( fill in the blank for yourself.)
5) The pressure to please others drives you to push past your limits

6) It’s difficult for you to hear your own bodies cues to know when you have pushed past your own limits (poor interoception).

7) Asking for help feels like weakness, or something you “aren’t supposed to do”.

If any or all of these situations are familiar to you, it’s time for a change..

Why the Boom is Hurting You More Than You Realize

Every time we go through a boom, we’re pushing ourselves past our limits, setting the stage for an inevitable crash. And these crashes? They’re not just minor setbacks. They can lead to a spiral of anxiety, stress, and even depression. Here’s the thing – living through these extremes can wear down our resilience, our ability to bounce back.

Our mental and emotional health can start to fray at the edges, making us more vulnerable to negative thoughts and feelings that stick around longer than they should. Moreover, this cycle can disrupt our relationships, our work, and our sense of self. We might find ourselves snapping at loved ones, missing deadlines, or losing interest in things that once brought us joy. It’s a heavy price to pay for those fleeting highs of the boom periods.

let’s not overlook the physical toll it can take. Stress and anxiety can manifest in very real physical symptoms – sleepless nights, headaches, a weakened immune system – making it even harder to break free from the cycle.when we talk about the boom bust cycle, we’re not just talking about a quirky personality trait or a bad habit. We’re talking about a pattern that, left unchecked, can deeply impact our well-being.

When we overload our system, physically, emotionally, and or mentally, we inhibit our own healing.

Skills You Need to End the Boom

Shifting our mindset can feel like trying to turn a ship around; it’s slow and requires effort, but oh, is it worth it. Imagine replacing the relentless pursuit of perfection with a commitment to understanding and loving yourself. This isn’t about denying the tough days or the exhilaration of accomplishment; it’s about finding balance, accepting where we are, and nurturing our growth from there.

Firstly, cultivating self-awareness is key. It’s like turning on a light in a room that’s been dark for too long. Suddenly, you see everything for what it is, not scarier than it is, just as it is. This clarity allows us to notice when we’re slipping into old boom-bust patterns and gently guide ourselves towards healthier habits.

Then there’s self-compassion. It’s about treating yourself with the same kindness and understanding you’d offer a dear friend. Missed a deadline? It’s okay. Overdid it and facing a bust? It’s alright. This nurturing voice can soothe the shame and guilt that often accompany our lows, reminding us that we’re doing our best.

Self-love, that’s the foundation of it all. Loving yourself doesn’t mean thinking you’re perfect. It means accepting your imperfections, celebrating your strengths, and forgiving yourself for your mistakes. It’s about choosing activities that replenish you, setting boundaries that protect you, and making choices that honor you.

By adopting this healing mindset, we’re not just breaking free from the boom bust cycle; we’re embracing a life where we’re valued for who we are, not just what we achieve. It’s a journey, sure, but one where each step is taken with love, respect, and an eye towards genuine wellbeing.

Embracing a New Way: Pacing

Imagine this: a life where every day doesn’t feel like a gamble on your happiness and energy. Sounds pretty amazing, right? To get there, stepping out of the boom bust cycle and into a new way of living is essential. This isn’t about just tweaking a few habits; it’s about a deep, transformative change that starts from within. Often needing to deal with some of our internal beliefs about our roles and what it means to be valued.

Letting go of those old patterns is like cleaning out a closet full of clothes you no longer wear. It’s a bit daunting at first—what if you need them again? But once you start, you realize how much space you’re making for new things that actually fit who you are now. This new way of living asks you to fill your life with practices, relationships, and activities that nourish you, not just those that lead to another crash.

It’s about creating a life where balance isn’t just a concept but a lived reality. Picture waking up feeling refreshed because you haven’t overexerted yourself the day. Imagine having the energy to enjoy time with loved ones because you’re not recovering from a recent pain flare. This life is about a sustainable life, the kind that doesn’t leave you depleted but rather, replenishes you.

The solution to Boom/ Bust is pacing if we are to heal. Pacing requires us to be a bit more organized and to be far kinder and understanding than many of us are. Join me next week when we talk about it in detail.


Stepping away from the boom bust cycle isn’t just a nice thought—it’s a vital step toward reclaiming our lives, our joy, and our health. It demands bravery, true, but it’s also about embracing that soft voice within that whispers, “There’s more to life than this.”

With a bit of self-awareness and a whole lot of self-love, we start to see the glimmers of a life beyond the cycle. It’s a journey, no doubt, filled with its share of bumps and learning curves. But, my friend, the path to healing and balance is paved with moments of kindness we give ourselves, the boundaries we set, and the gentle acceptance of our human limits.

Pacing will help you craft the life you so deeply desire. That will take time to practice and learn. Together, let’s turn the page and begin this beautiful chapter of healing and calm.

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