Restoring YOU Podcast

Restoring YOU...

...because your story matters with Amy Eicher

In this podcast, we’re talking to real people, with real lives and real pain just like you. They share their successes with you in restoring something they love in their lives or achieving something new.

No matter how big or small, we all need to know others have gone before us so we can believe in our own progress.

You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.

Pull up a pillow, this is the place for stories we need to hear more of.

S2 Ep 15 Joletta Belton: The interruption of pain

She shares her story and her reflections on what it means to have and live with pain. How interrupting pain can be and the need to learn to live our best lives. We talk about the Work Comp system, the interruption of pain, and she shares my favorite story about Lorimer Mosley answering her question about pain. His answer will surprise you.

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Restoring YOU Podcast S2 Ep14: Cheryl

Listen in as Cheryl shares her story from pain to freedom. She recounts being told she was disabled and need outlearn to live like it. She shares how she discovered why love matters and how to make her way back from the belief it was better if she wasn’t here at all.

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